bewegungsARTen Podcast

Since March 2020 I’m part of the bewegungsARTen podcast team as the creative head.
The podcast was founded by Gregor Buchholz, a former german pro-triathlete, and is co-hosted by the professional triathlete Horst Reichel and the eSport cyclist Eva Buchholz.
Every two weeks they talk about everything, that happened in the world of triathlon, cycling and running. My job is to create a cover for every episode.
Cover Illustrations
03/2020 - present
Cover Illustrations

1. Listen
While I listen to the audio, I take notes, what the overall themes are, that are being discussed.
2. Sketch
After that I always have at least one picture in mind, which I quickly sketch out digitally and send to the rest of the team.
3. Illustrate
From thereon I develop the cover. The podcast is regularly recorded on a Sunday and then usually published Tuesday morning.